How to create an invisible folder on windows 7

How to create an invisible folder on windows 7

click on the start button in taskbar.

search for character map.
open character map and click on the blank coloumn.

now click on select button and then copy button [now you have copied a blank space]


Create a new folder and rename it and press ctrl+v keys from the keyboard.


now you have created the folder without any name, you have to create the folder logo.


Right click on the folder that you have created without a name in the previous step then go to=>properties=>customize=>change icon.


Now you get a pop-up window with various icons.Select the blank icon.

click ok by this time you have created an invisible folder with no logo and no name.
move all your private folder into this invisible folder.

*optional*   if you have people who usualy use your computer you can click on properties and select hidden to make the folder hidden permanently.


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