Installing Kali With Windows (Comprehensive Guide) Detailed

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Installing Kali alongside a Windows installation can be quite useful. However, you need to exercise caution during the setup process. First, make sure that you’ve backed up any important data on your Windows installation. Since you’ll be modifying your hard drive, you’ll want to store this backup on external media. Once you’ve completed the backup, we recommend you peruse Kali Linux Hard Disk Install, which explains the normal procedure for a basic Kali install.

In this tutorial, we will be installing Kali Linux alongside an installation of Windows 7, which is currently taking up 100% of the disk space in our computer. We will start by resizing our current Windows partition to occupy less space and then proceed to install Kali Linux in the newly-created empty partition.(source linux kali official website)

* Step 1
Download the linux iso or image file here  Download Kali Linux

*  Step 2
Create a bootable usb or CD

*  USE  unetbootin download here

*  USE  linuxlive usb download  here


Before making bootable CD, please prepare a bland CD-R or CD-RW disc.
  • Click button on toolbar to open "bootable option" dialog.

    make bootable CD

  • Loading the bootable image from floppy disk. make bootable cd

    Load multi-bootable image file for creating multi-boot CD. you can create multi-bootable image file by MagicISO. For more detail, Please visit Multiple Bootable CD/DVD Image Editor.
    make bootable CD

    Load exist bootable image file from disk.
    make bootable CD

  • After setting the bootable information into ISO image file, The bootable status of iso image file will be changed to "bootable".

    make bootable CD

  • Drag files or folders from Windows Explorer.
    or click or button for adding files or folders.

  • After complete adding and editing ISO file, click or button for saving to disk.

  • Burns ISO image to CD

*  OR USE POWERISO (for cd or usb) - dowload

  • Run PowerISO.
  • Click on the "New" button on toolbar or choose  the "File > New > Data CD / DVD Image" menu.
  • Click on the "Add" button on toolbar to add files and folders. You can also directly drag files and folders from Windows Explorer to the PowerISO window.
  • Choose the menu "Action > New Folder" to create a new folder.
  • Choose the menu "Action > Change Label" to change the default label.
  • Choose the menu "File > Properties" to set the iso file properties.
  • Click on the "Save" button on toolbar, or click on the "File > Save As..." menu.
  • Choose the menu "Action > Boot > Add Boot Information" to load a bootable image file.
  • Save the iso file to "Standard ISO Images (*.iso)" format.
  • To make bootable CD, please burn the iso file to a blank CD / DVD disc.

*  STEP 3 (source official kali website)

Dual Boot Installation Procedure

  1. To start your installation, boot with your chosen installation medium. You should be greeted with the Kali Boot screen. Select Live, and you should be booted into the Kali Linux default desktop.
  2. Now launch the gparted program. We’ll use gparted to shrink the existing Windows partition to give us enough room to install Kali Linux.

  3. Select your Windows partition. Depending on your system, it will usually be the second, larger partition. In our example, there are two partitions; the first is the System Recovery partition, and Windows is actually installed in /dev/sda2. Resize your Windows partition and leave enough space (8GB minimum) for the Kali installation.

  4. Once you have resized your Windows partition, ensure you “Apply All Operations” on the hard disk. Exit gparted and reboot.


Kali Linux Installation Procedure

  1. The installation procedure from this point onwards is similar to a Kali Linux Hard Disk install, until the point of the partitioning, where you need to select “Guided – use the largest continuous free space” that you created earlier with gparted.

  2. Once the installation is done, reboot. You should be greeted with a GRUB boot menu, which will allow you to boot either into Kali or Windows.



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